Tuesday, March 14, 2017

#51 Back to School Wardrobe: Orange Denim Jacket to Spring Transition Vest

REFLECTIONS: This is #4 of 10 for my Spring Break goal.
  • Fabric in thrifted jackets / blazers is often in good shape.
  • This makes them a great source for vests which don't restrict movement and are so easy to wear.

BEFORE: Thrifted Orange Denim Jacket
  • In the Re-fashion Stash
  • There was too much of the print as a jacket.

  • Remove sleeves.
  • Trim wide shoulder seams. 
  • Drop arm seam 1” to make room for layering. And to make it less like a jacket with no sleeve, but more vest-like.
  • Cut facing from t-shirt scraps.

AFTER: Cotton Vest for Transition during Spring Weather.
  • Versatile to wear with denims, khakis, and other spring fabrics.
  • Easy to layer with heavier weight now and lighter weight as the weather warms up. 
TIP: Rotary cutting tools are helpful in trimming and shaping.
AFTER: Spring Vest

After: Button or not


AFTER: Dropped arm.
Narrowed shoulder

Favorite tools

Curve Ruler to recut 
the Armsyce or Armhole

BEFORE: Too much organge


  1. What a fun color! What is the clear, curved plastic tool ? Looks like it could be used to help fashion the shoulder piece/ arm scye

    1. Heidi. I do not know the proper name for the curved piece. It is what I used to cut the arm scye curve. I thrifted it and rely on it now.

  2. Research is showing it could be a French curve for dress making. Sounds good to me!

  3. Nice save. I like it buttoned.

    Cindy - EOD
    Upcycle Design Lab


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