Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Easy Peplum Shirt Refashion

Hello again! I have been working on a few really simple refashions. I hope to work on some more difficult projects soon. I found this too large linen shirt and turned it into a peplum. 

Its super simple, just involves cutting off the bottom, gathering it, and sewing it back on. I love gingham right now so I can't wait to wear this shirt all Spring. 

Here you can see that I had to take the top part in, in order to creat enough of a difference to make the peplum happen. You can read more about it at the Crafty Disaster.

Before & After

I am 100% ready for Spring and I'm in the refashioning mood!

Lindsay from the Crafty Disaster


  1. Very cute update for that top.

  2. What a great idea. I have a shirt in my refash stash, that has been bothering me, now I know what to do with it.

    Stine, EOD

  3. Adorable! What a great top!



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