Thursday, March 02, 2017

Kid's Kitty Hat Refashion

Even though winter is nearing an end here in Minnesota, it still gets chilly out. We love our stocking caps and wearing them any time of year is often seen in Minnesota fashion.

After a quick trip to the dollar store and coming across a cute little striped stocking cap, I knew I needed to refashion it to have kitty ears and give to my niece. Full details here.

Simply cut out cat ear shapes from scrap fabric, open the seams on the stocking cap, resew with the cat ears in place. Easy as that!


  1. Great little idea, I bet it only took a few minutes.

  2. Yep! Only a few minutes is right. Gotta love those quick refashions :)

  3. Thanks for sharing. Cute hat and even cuter kid.


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