Friday, July 20, 2018

Altering Your Bras

 Hello Refashion Co-op. After I refashioned some racer-back tank tops so I could wear them with regular bras, it occurred to me that I should try to alter some bras into racer-back bras.

 I altered the black bra above and it turned out so well I decided to alter a white bra too. I cut the shoulder straps off along the edge of the back strap of the bra. I didn'y cut any of the stitching or elastic that made the back straps.

I criss-crossed the straps and reattached them at an angle in the back. I used tan thread so it would show in this picture.

I was on a roll and decided to attempt removing the excess padding from another bra. I bought this bra from Amazon a long time ago. It said it was lined, but I found the lining to be more like bulky padding. It was hot, uncomfortable, and made me look very bulky on top. I didn't like how it looked and I didn't wear it.

I cut along the edge of the bra. The padding wasn't fused to the front fabric. It was only attached at the edges. I used small scissors and cut along the inside of the underwire and stitching along the top of each cup. I left the outer "frame" of the bra intact.

These two pieces of lining came out easily.

The bra is still intact and wearable. I was careful not to cut through the front fabric that made the bra cups so nothing was damaged.  
I wore it all day and it still worked as it was supposed to. It was a lot more comfortable and it worked out well for me.

Thanks for reading, for more details and pictures go to I Can Work With That.

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