Friday, August 03, 2018

Another t-shirt tart up

I had another t-shirt to work on

It had the same fit problems as the last one ie shoulders too big and a little downsizing at the waist, shortening the sleeves, but the main change was going to be adding interest with a kind of contrast bib.

I was inspired by something I saw on Pinterest.

After many musings through my stash I chose some striking fabric to work with. This magpie fabric came from a home sewn dress which I had bought at a charity shop for another project, and felt bad cutting up, but I did buy the dress for the lovely fabric not to wear.

It was finished off with some rick rack binding.  I haven't used this before but was quite taken with the way it could be used to cover up a seam and go round corners so effortlessly.

Here's the t-shirt after my modifications

There are more details and photos here including the link to the inspiration.

1 comment:

I Can Work With That said...

Those magpies are really eye catching! The contrast with the pink and purple is great too.
Chickie EOD

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