Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Denim Jacket For Summer

Hello Refashion Co-op. I wanted to do something different with a denim jacket I had. I also wanted to wear it in the summer as an extra layer to cover my shoulders and add a little coverage with sundresses.

I started with a broken in denim jacket. I cut the sleeves off and I cut out the center of the back. I cut next to seams that were already in the jacket. I thought that would keep the shape of the jacket intact. It seemed to work well. I also thought the edges would fray nicely in the wash.

I used this sweater to fill in the back. The sweater was too tight so I didn't mind cutting it up. That crocheted back will be nice and airy in the denim vest. I cut out the crocheted square from the sweater. It had a defined edge around it and I kept it intact as much as I could. I didn't want the yarn to unravel.

 Here is the vest with the crocheted panel sewn in place. I used my machine and stitched it in from the inside. The denim will fray a little at all the cut edges when it is washed and give it a casual distressed look.

Thanks for reading this post, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.


whatthesew said...

The lace panel looks really cute and a nice weight for summer.

I Can Work With That said...

Thanks whatthesew! It's like a little window in the back. :)

TheRefashStash said...

Very cute! I love it!


I Can Work With That said...

Thanks Marissa!

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