Wednesday, August 15, 2018

This Skirt Is Too Sheer

Hello Refashion Co-op. My daughter gave me this skirt because it was too sheer. It needed a slip under it and that made it hot and uncomfortable to wear. It got tossed in the refashion pile.

Here is the skirt. I decided to use it in another way. I cut the top of the skirt off and gave it a new hem. It made a big ruffle.

I decided to add the piece of skirt to a tank top I had in the refashion pile too. It was nice, but too low cut. I thought I could fix that too.

I pinned the skirt to the tank top and used my machine to connect them.

I cut the straps off and I had a fun off-the-shoulder top. The elastic waistband keeps the top up around my shoulders. The neckline isn't revealing anymore and the shirt is a lot of fun now.

Thanks for reading this post, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.


whatthesew said...

The skirt ruffle adds lovely detail and colour to the outfit.

I Can Work With That said...

Thanks whatthesew! i liked the colors too.
Happy sewing!

TheRefashStash said...

Absolutely beautiful!!!


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