Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lumberjack Swants (Sweater Pants) Refashion Tutorial | Diary of a MadMama


Jen here, from Diary of a MadMama

Have you heard of Swants? You know, pants made out of sweaters?

When I first saw this YouTube video, I just had to make myself a pair.

The problem was that I didn't have any sweaters (that I hadn't already cut into) appropriate for the job... but I did have this:

Lumberjack Swants (Sweater Pants) Tutorial | Diary of a MadMama
Do I look like a lumberjack?

Pretty snazzy 'eh? I love the plaid (or tartan?) print.

The only problem is that it's not a pullover stretchy sweater, like what's used in the Swants tutorial.

I really wanted this to be transformed into pants anyway, so I decided to improvise and come up with my own tutorial (if you will).

After chopping and rearranging a bit, this is how they turned out...

Lumberjack Swants (Sweater Pants) Tutorial | Diary of a MadMama

Lumberjack Swants (Sweater Pants) Tutorial | Diary of a MadMama
Look, pockets!
To see the full tutorial check out the Diary of a MadMama Lumberjack Swants Refashion Tutorial post.

Take care!

Lumberjack Swants (Sweater Pants) Tutorial | Diary of a MadMama


  1. I've seen this video before and never would've considered making a pair until I saw yours. The plaid is SO much better than the Cosby sweater versions.


  2. You're amazing as ever. They look super comfy and warm.

  3. Thanks ladies! :)


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