Tuesday, January 26, 2016

From Dress To Top In One Chop!

The one thing I don't need more of in my closet is dresses (that won't stop me from adding more), however what I do need more of is cute tops that aren't tank tops. Tops that I can wear with jeans but also look good with a pencil skirt and blazer.

So just before I sent a bag of old clothes off to the thrift store, I pulled this dress back out and made new plans for it. Its cute but I was never going to wear it as a dress. I would probably wear it as a top though!

You're getting a second chance!

So after taking this before pic I measured how much I wanted to cut off the bottom, leaving enough extra length for a new hem. I placed a pin where I would need to cut

Then I folded over so when I cut both sides would be the same length.

I rolled the lining up first and pinned that. Then I sewed the new hem.

Next I pinned and hemmed the lace.

Here is the result. That white spot is my thrifted painted hutch reflecting light. I lost day light right as I started this project. Im pretty happy with the results!

For pictures of the process and more details as well please check out my blog post about this refashion


  1. That looks fabulous as a top! I love it! I'm in need of more cute tops than skirts. Great refashion.

    Jennifer, EOD

  2. Such a great top! I love it!



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