Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Commenting trouble?

I've just reset our comment form to try to alleviate the problems some of our followers were having posting their comments. If you are one of the troublemakers ;-) can you test it now?
We want to be able to hear from everyone!
Editor Jenni


  1. Works for me! Thanks I appreciate that. I haven't been able to tell people how awesome thier stuff is in weeks. :)

  2. Thanks I can finally comment!

  3. Thank you...from a grateful reformed trouble maker.

  4. YAY!
    For other bloggers who may be having this trouble, I set the comments to use the pop up box instead of in-window.
    Thanks to Reverse-Clothing for that little nugget of info that helped track down the problem!

  5. Thank GOD someone knows how to solve this porblem. I will change mine now. It has been driving me BONKERS.

  6. I've been having this trouble too; on some blogger sites I could still do a comment by "name/URL" but not everyone offers that. I like when the comments pop up in their own box anyway, so not to spoil the flow of the blog. I've been missing out on commenting here for a while now!


Please contact the editor on duty if you have problems posting comments.