Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cheating - A Doily Update

I am cheating!
I was supposed to have one more week, but my trip has been rescheduled and moved up an entire week. So, the doilies that were going to be attached by hand are being zigzagged into place. Chut! Don't tell anyone. 

This is the inspiration for the skirt. I know how to do the belt area but I still don't know if I should even out the hem or leave it as is, which, I think, is going to make me look like an old hippy who hasn't finished her crochet blanquet. 
Any of you know if I can take a crochet hook on a plane? 


  1. I brought my 5MM aluminum crochet hook on the plane with no problems about a month ago.

    That inspiration skirt looks awesome.

  2. You should be able to take a crochet hook with no problem! Or at least a month or so ago I did, on my way to a conference in Europe...had no issues in the US, though got a bit of a extra look from the security check guys in Amsterdam where I was changing planes and having to be re-checked. This may also have been because I brought a seam ripper to cut yarn with...leading to a moment where one of the men at security was poking himself with the seam ripper and hook to figure out how sharp they were. (while another tried to demonstrate to him what a seam ripper was used for.) But even then, they rescanned it and let me through just fine!

  3. drool! can't wait to see the finished product. I took a cross stitch kit including scissors on a plane and no one said a word.

    Editor on Duty


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