Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What IS it

with me and RE-refashions these days?!?

Bag made from a Death Fabric skirt and the pattern used many a time already. (Details here).

This might be taking thriftiness and frugality too far. In my defence, when you find the perfect fabric for a project, you shouldn’t let the fact that it is already something ELSE stop you using it.

(Well, don’t go after a stranger in the street with a pair of scissors. It could be taken the wrong way).

But on the opposite end of that scale…one was able to completely justify a fair few purchases Monday because of that warm fuzzy I-saved-the-planet/some money buzz one can get from refashioning.

Now to figure out those patterns from those books also acquired Monday, one of which was originally written in Japanese then translated to the French. Thank goodness for decent diagrams. The IWOM speaks two languages: English and American….

1 comment:

  1. Love the bag! Also love the warm fuzzy feeling I get when I complete projects that save money/earth, I like to treat myself too!

    Editor on Duty


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