Monday, October 07, 2013

Boy's shirt from men's business shirt.

Look at my blog to get more detail of how I turned this business shirt- bought for a 1970's dress up- into my little one's fun fishing shirt.
As you can see by the photo of my pattern, I had originally thought I would be making a top for me, but after I cut it out, it was a bit small and so plan B !

Rather than dinosaurs, I went for fishing embroidery this time.

I  tried to use features of the original shirt such as the collar and cuff details on the sleeve, as what the point if you can't have fun!


Sandy said...

oh yes! The fishing embroidery is just right!
Sandy in the UK

Refashion said...

The shirt looks so sweet, I love the fishing details and the checks.

Debbie EOD

Anonymous said...

Too sweet! Sometimes Plan B can be better than Plan A. :)


Very cool with the extra detail.

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