Monday, October 07, 2013

Pants to Top

Now all I need do is cover the centre seam...

Just a little low for my liking!

These pants just screamed out “Peasant top” to me ….so they went under the knife and seem to adjust quite comfortably.
Now the process didn’t go exactly to plan and I did end up revealing a little more than woman my age should, but it was simply fixed by swapping the back to the front, now I will not rest until I have devised a way to hide the “new” centre front seam.
All in all I was quite happy with this little refashion.


Unknown said...

I think it looks fine the first way without the seam, the trick to wearing it is put a straps white or black top over the bra and contrast it with the top, no more see they no more boobage lol :)

Sandy said...

You could also use some of the rest of the fabric just to make some straps a little way in from the edge. You still get the off the shoulder look, but the security that it will stay in the place you want it.

But if you do want to camouflage the seam, you could use some of your neckline edge lace on either side of the seam. if the two sides are mirrored, it would look planned. If you have enough, you could add more than one strip of lace on each side.
Sandy in the UK

Unknown said...

thanks for your comments will post more pics when I decide which way to go!

Refashion said...

The top looks lovely. I agree with Sandy that you could use lace to edge the seam so it looks deliberate. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to do.

Debbie EOD

Unknown said...

Love it! Live what you love and if you like it, wear it!

Cucicucicoo: Eco Crafting & Sewing said...

What an excellent idea! From the photos the seam looks fine as it is! :) Lisa


Love this transformation. Very clever and it looks great.

Unknown said...

Ha, my problem is finding it again ... its buried deep in the depths of my slightly over stuffed stash room. thanks again for advice, when it turns up I will post the end result!

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