Friday, October 04, 2013

One Pattern Many Looks Part 2 Of ?

Hi Everyone!


Today we have part 2 of one pattern many looks. I found this awful chiffon dress at the thrift shop for $7.99. It was a size 3x so I had plenty of fabric to work with. It was so big that I had to take the before picture by taking the top first...


...and then the bottom.


IMG_2801Otherwise you can't see all of the details which I lovingly have dubbed, "Olive Oyle on Sterioids."



Seriously, can't you see Popeye's girlfriend wearing this with a little pillbox hat that has a flower sticking out of it? Ha! Ha! Nevertheless, I did fall in love with the good parts of this dress, like the border print, (go figure) and all of the pleating on the upper bodice and sleeves.

2013-09-22 15.21.06
Here is how is all turned out in the end using the exact same pattern as I started with in part 1 of this series.

Now for the tutorial on how it all happened:


1) Cut out the front and back. I did this by lining up the pattern on the border print at the bottom and the pleats across the yoke. I absolutely did not use any of the Olive Oyl details. LOL! Notice in the picture how I lined up the center lines on the flat part of the fabric while I let the pleated part of the yoke lie naturally.


2) After sewing the side seams and shoulder seams, I took the original sleeves (already picked from the original) and fit them in the new armhole. I ended up slimming down the original sleeves about 2 inches. In this picture the sleeves are in and the neck is turned and edgestitched. You can also see the pleating in the yoke and sleeves.

2013-09-22 16.45.16
2013-09-22 16.45.00

Here it is up close. I think it has a totally different look from the first blouse just by virtue of the print and the pleating. I feel really pretty wearing it. What do you think? I feel part 2 took it up a notch but I can't wait to show you part 3 and 4 already in the works! Let me know what you think and stay tuned...


'Til Later...




irinka said...
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irinka said...

Much better. Beautiful ending result

Andrea said...

Really like this pattern you seems to be the perfect style of top! May have to draft one for myself ;) Oh, and I do so love how this turned out!

Andrea said...
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Anonymous said...

I love this! So much better as a top and I love the pattern too! Great job! :)

Kazza said...

Glad you are sharing your tutorials to a wider audience Mary because what you do is inspirational. A lovely re-fashion. From Karen at Facebook group Melton Bowerbirds.


Great result. Very pretty and fresh.

Unknown said...

Thanks all for the great comments. Just figured out how to use the Re-Fashion Co-op. (I am a techknownothing). I love this way to reach out to others in the refashion community!!!

Refashion said...

The top looks great, I love the use of the border print. And thank you for including a detailed tutorial. :)

Debbie EOD

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