Saturday, October 05, 2013

After on the "Help!" shoes makeover

My husband's laptop went on the fritz this week and he commandeered mine while its with the tech guys at his university getting fixed. So, I wasn't able to post the after on the lace boots makeover that I'd asked for y'all's help on even though I finished them a couple of days back. So, here's a quick reminder on the before and the direction I'd initially decided on...


I ended up getting lots of feedback, for which I thank you all immensely!!! Just helped to confirm that my first choice was the best choice :) I did, however, make a change...I thought I'd use a bit of fabric glue to control any fray on the raw edge of this lace, but it discolored it so much that I decided to remove it and start over hand stitching the lace on and simply leaving the edges as is. Here's a couple of after shots and a barebones styling...

I decided to not stop the lace before the grommets, as at first, but to go ahead and do the extra work to sew the lace around them, giving the finished product the appearance of having been sold this way. I payed almost $30 for these boots, all told, which is more than my normal thrifting budget allows, but in the two small thrift stores that I live within walking distance of (we don't own cars, and there's nothing within reasonable biking distance), shoes/boots are hard to come by in my size. So, I'll usually bite the bullet and buy something super clearanced if I like them enough ;)

Love how they turned out: took some patience with the hand sewing and my fingers were sore for a day after, but I'd say it was worth it and who doesn't need extra lessons in patience?!? I can take all the patience I can get. This one was definitely a slight break from my more immediately gratifying refashions...another good lesson to learn: some things are worth the extra effort and work. Hope you like this one and if not, well, I'll just keep refashioning until something strikes your fancy :-D





Anonymous said...

CUTE!!! :)


These boots look amazing with the lace detail.It softens them and adds a pretty new element.

Andrea said...

Thanks Mezzy, I appreciate your comment :) I thought the lace brought a little softness as well, to an otherwise androgynous pair of boots! Thanks as well to your refashions and am so jealous you can find things for $.49!!!! Nothing like that around here ;)

Refashion said...

The boots look lovely, a nice mix of masculine and feminine styling now.

Debbie EOD

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