Saturday, October 05, 2013

Too Much Maxi

Hi all! This is my first Refashion Co-op post *excited*!!

I found this maxi skirt at a market and fell in love with the retro patterns. It's actually a H & M skirt, so it's not that old. I live in black most of the time, so I liked the colours breaking it up. I would have just brought it in to fit as a maxi-skirt, but I needed some work clothes - so a dress it will become.

Too much maxi...
I'm holding this back, but it's 3 sizes too big.

So I have a great dress that is wide and square-ish at the shoulders and elasticated in the middle which I copied the style for this skirt to dress refashion. I've never stitched an elasticated middle before, so this was entering new territory for me.... I've blogged the full tutorial is at

So, the end result was great (the pattern's an eye-catcher!) but you may see this one again. I threw on a belt but I'm not really happy with the elasticated waist or the sleeves, so it pretty much back on the project pile methinks ... 

Thanks for reading!!!


Sandy said...

It looks pretty good to me!
Maybe you could make a channel of a remnant of fabric. Sew that to the waist and thread the elastic through. then you can adjust the gathering better where you want them. you could stitch it in place at the side seams to keep the shaping and not have to adjust each time.
Sandy in the UK

Refashion said...

The dress looks very lovely, I think the belt adds a finishing touch. Thanks for sharing


AliceSAysNo said...

Thanks Sandy, great idea!

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