Monday, June 02, 2014

Renegade Seamstress Inspired Shirt

One of my friends is an amazing knitter and made me a fabulous pair of mittens with DNA helixes on them for the cabling. So cute and nerdy! To repay her, I wanted to refashion her a shirt. She picked a medium tan basic cotton tee that I forgot to take a before picture of. :(

Here are the afters.  I was inspired by the use of pintucks in this piece.

See more on my blog here!


  1. I like the pin tucks. It's not something that would have occurred to me but it definitely adds a certain something :)

  2. The pintucks look great and add texture.
    Debbie eod

  3. I really like the tucks.

    Cindy - Upcycled Design Lab


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