Friday, June 01, 2012

27 dresses

I have a LOT of clothes for refashioning in my stash.  The amount of things I have for refashioning is starting to exceed the amount of space I have for storing it.  So I had an idea.  A series of posts where I refashion one dress per week!!!  My sis says to call it 27 Dresses after the movie, and I thought that was cute.  Anyway, here is my first dress:

I had some left over, and was able to make this tank (using a crocheted table thing for the back):

So, yeah,  I took pictures of the projects while I was sewing them, so expect to see something like a tutorial soon on my blog.

Before picture:


QueenOf Nothing said...

gah, i totally know what you mean by the clothes to be refashioned exceeding the room thing. desperately need to get at it. luv the shorts by the way. :)

Bat Ma'am said...

Haha my refashion pile has exceeded its space for awhile and I keep adding to it.. this might be an obsession.. ;)
Love the outfits you made, nice job!!

Sucre said...

I really like that top you made! You have wonderful taste/style.

concretenprimroses said...

Well done! Love the lace back and the cute shorts.

Refashion said...

Love both refashion decisions! The shirt with the lace back and the shorts do great with the fabric you harvested from the dress. Thanks! -Seeks, EOD