Posting guidelines

DO post a refashion as often as you can. Life gets busy, we know that. There is no minimum, share your refashions when you have time.

DO share your wonderful and creative refashions/upcycles in any form. We want to see it all. Did you make clothing into home decor? Did you make clothing from home decor? Did you make clothing from clothing, or home decor from home decor? It doesn't matter, we would love to see it.

DO title your post and add your username (i.e. Refashionista414, Firefly, etc.) in the labels area. Please do not add other labels or hashtags (i.e. dress, pants, #love, etc).

DO include before and after pictures! If the project is long and detailed and you don't want to recreate the entire step-by-step process, you may write a link to your blog.

EXAMPLE: For more pictures and details, visit my blog.

You may also post process photos (pins in clothes, sleeves cut from shirt, etc.) and fashion shots (you spinning around in the refashion skirt in a park or sitting on a deck, etc.).

If you didn't take or own the photo, please don't include it in your post. If you found an inspirational photo on Pinterest or somewhere on the Internet, you can share the link.

EXAMPLE: I found this super cute skirt at Refashionista414's blog and wanted to make my own!

Basically, if you don't own the picture or the picture is copyrighted, please don't include it in your post.

DO give credit where credit is due. If you found a great blog or site and replicated a project from their instructions, give a shout-out by mentioning them or even linking their blog or site.

DO remember we are here to share, not to sell! By all means share a link to your blog in your posts but please refrain from linking to your etsy shop or slipping in some advertising for your creations or publications.

If you have any questions, please email the Editor on Duty at

1 comment:

leaf said...

Hi, this is Leaf, I am new to here. I had my first post on the site today, maybe I did something wrong, because I see on the site "Please label your posts with your username only" what that mean? should I put my name as "Leaf" on the post title for each project, or should I only put titles on the "post title"? Thanks.