Tuesday, June 05, 2012

a little patchwork.

     So, ever have that fav pair of pants that you wear until something happens to them to make them unwearable, I have several. This is one of them.

      Nothing like going to the store and having your husband point out that your undies are showing lol. This isn't much of a refashion really but I plan to work on several today being as i'm off and don't have errands. especially because my bf, and sis in law is coming in tomorrow and she has a way of sweeping you up like a hurricane and you never know when you'll land :).

     I had tried just sewing the hole up before but in came undone so this time i cut a pic out of one of the shirts in my growing pile to use as a patch that i hoped wouldn't be to look at my butt oriented and would go with the majority of the shirts i wear with them, I'm happy enough with it, I have a million tops and really only skirts at this point to wear with them. well ttyl---QueenOfNothing.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

looks very True Religion-y and expensive!
Jenni EOD