Alpaca Wool Slippers
Hi all,
This is the first time I have posted here, and really the first time I have posted any of my refashions! I hope you enjoy!
I recently jumped on the refashioning train, and it has been a lot of fun! I plan to get better at taking before and after pics, but here is the 'after' pic of a pair of men's house slippers I made. I purchased an alpaca wool sweater from the thrift store, and felted it. The interior of the slippers is cotton flannel, scraps from another refashion, and the sole is scrap leather that I have had FOREVER. Padding for the sole was created with some felt and batting that I layered together. Sizing with this was difficult. Now that I have created my first pair, I will know better for the future. This time around, I basically used the foot of the person they were for as my pattern, and allowed about 3/4 inch for a seam allowance.

~Thanks, Mel PatchworkPastries
Welcome to Refashion Co-op Mel, your slippers are fantastic! Its not often we get to see great mens refashion ideas, these slippers look so comfortable. Thanks for sharing!
Erica, Editor on Duty
Well done! I attempted to make slippers once and quit! It was very frustrating! I thought they would be easier I guess! Yours look very durable and professionally made! I want a pair for myself! ;)
These look great! And very cozy :-)
Thanks for positive comments! I have enjoyed seeing everyone else's great refashions...hopefully I can continue to provide ideas for others too!
They are gorgeous. Very clever. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful. I love them!
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