Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Refashion editor: Erica

Today is Thursday, which means it is my turn as Duty Editor on Refashion Co-Op. I am the only editor in the Southern Hemisphere, (Melbourne, Australia) therefore while it is Thursday in my part of the world, for many timezones it will be Wednesday! I will start by introducing myself.

Erica Louise, Duty Editor

Handmade 'Vintage' Dress

How did you get into refashioning?

I started writing my blog Recycled Fashion, and soon discovered a community of clever, talented people creating their own clothes from existing garments. Soon after, I found Wardrobe Refashion, which really inspired me to start sewing. My background is not so much in fashion; I studied interior design, and business & finance, and worked in the environmental travel sector for many years, but second-hand and vintage fashion developed into a personal interest.

What is your motivation for refashioning?

I am conscious about the damage fashion can have on our environment. The never ending cycle of fashion brings new garments every season, which very soon becomes out of fashion, and can quickly end up in landfill. By refashioning existing garments, this eliminates the necessity to buy new, and at the same time creates something far more unique and in some ways more interesting than mainstream fashion. I gave up my full time job to raise my son, therefore refashioning also helps the pocket, having become somewhat frugal with my fashion since becoming a Mum.

Where do you get your inspiration?

Other blogs; I like to read other refashion, vintage clothing, general fashion, and street fashion blogs to get ideas. I love to see what people are wearing on the streets, not just in my own city, but other cities around the world with the help of blogs such as JapaneseStreets and The Sartorialist. I used to get most of my refashion inspiration through Wardrobe Refashion.

Which techniques do you use in your refashions?

No special techniques, I just go with the flow. If something doesn’t work the first time, I’ll unstitch it and try again. I obtained an overlocker (serger) last Christmas, which has helped with finishing my seams nicely! I have started buying fabric and vintage patterns from op-shops to create dresses from scratch. My first dress from a pattern was this tunic dress made with an 80's pattern, and a 'painters' sheet I purchased for $1

And my most recent and challenging project; fabric and a 60's vintage pattern I purchased at the same op shop, made into a 'vintage' dress, which I also wear in my main picture above.

Where do find things to refashion?

I find the majority of garments in op-shops (Australian thrift stores), I try to pick out damaged clothes, or garments from the half price rack. I also look through my own, and my husband’s wardrobe for things I can give a new lease of life

husbands unwanted shirt...

..transformed into a sh-kirt for me...

..and a pair of PJ pants for my little boy

What is your favourite refashion?

Hard to say which is my favourite, but I am fond of one of my first refashions; a 3XL size men's Overlocker sweater that I bought in an op-shop, which I refashioned into a winter top for myself. It looked hideous before, but looks pretty good now, and it’s super comfortable!



Do you recycle anything other than fashion?

Yes, I recycle and up-cycle as much as possible. Children’s toys, coasters, bags and brooches are just a few of the things I have made using materials from around the house, or thrifted. My most recent up-cycle project is a brooch made from unwanted tissue pattern paper, eco-felt, fabric scraps, and decorations from a Christmas cracker!

Where can I read more about you and refashioning?

My refashions are documented on my blog: Recycled Fashion
My up-cycled projects unrelated to fashion are documented on my second blog: Recycled Sewing

I am very excited to be part of the Refashion Co-op community, and look forward to 'meeting' many more like-minded people with a passion for refashioning, and of course checking out your wonderful creations!


Jenni said...

LOVE your sh-kirt! I just found a super large tunic that I want to refashion something like yours. I want to keep the arms on though...a la Alexander Wang. Better get busy, huh? :)

BusiChic said...

What a great introductory post - hello! Love the refashioning and upcycling- the brooch is a great idea, thank you for the eco-chic inspiration!

Unknown said...

Yes Jenni, you'd better get busy! Sounds excellent though

BusiChic - welcome to Refashion Co-Op! thanks so much for reading =)

Erica, Duty Editor

Unknown said...

Ha! Brill! Love the PJ pants from shirt sleeves!

poet said...

The PJ pants are very cool, and the sweater refashion is great! Oversized items are really the best for refashioning...


neko said...

Love your work! Keep up the good work. Wanted to share my blog too.

Cheers- Neko