Saturday, March 12, 2011

For a chuckle.....

I just saw this 'Designer sweater' with 'artfully placed holes' on an upscale store site for US $255. Are they for real? I don't even think the thrift stores will put something like this out on their racks. Wow! I guess I really don't know anything about 'fashion' these days!


Anonymous said...

Speechless !

Unknown said...

That's just ridiculous isn't it, but thank you for sharing, it did give my hubs and I a chuckle! You're right, even thrift stores wouldn't sell a holey sweater!

Anonymous said...

I love how one of the holes is "artfully placed" in a location where one's lower boob would be peeking out of it. This is so awful! Makes me think of the "derelict chic" line from Zoolander! :)

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

Frankly, it's hideous!! Thanks for giving me a giggle:))).

Unknown said...

Yes thanks for sharing - gave me a laugh there too.