Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Introducing Myself

My name is Elizabeth Abernathy and I'm very excited to be a contributor to Refashion Co-op. I've missed seeing all the lovely creations posted on Wardrobe Refashion and mourned it's demise. Thank you to the editors who put this new site together.

I love refashioning and crafting with all kinds of recycled materials. Above are a few of my favorite refashions done over the past few years: 80's pull-over to drappy cardigan, dye job, scarf to tunic, and table cloth to top. You can see all my past refashions (and a few done by other people) here.

What am I looking forward to refashioning next? A pillow case to beach bag and something like this brilliant sweater skirt to sweater top.

Happy Refashioning!


Unknown said...

These are great! Nice to meet you!

Unknown said...

Hi Elizabeth,
Good to see you here on RC. I really love your non-garment to garment refashions - inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Love the tablecloth top!

Elizabeth said...

Thank you, Miss P, Eddie and Mommy en France! I'm very happy to be here!