Monday, March 28, 2011

Sweater refashions scare me….

For how I got from this huge M&S sweater

to the current version, see here then feel free to offer some advice on how to wrap it (sorry) up.


Refashion said...

This is a lovely looking refashion.
I looked at your blog photos - I think you could wear it with the sides open if you want it to be a drapey over-garment. Sorry cannot think what else to call it. Maybe just a hand hem on the edges or some contrast binding? I am not sure if embroidery would be lost amongst the drapes?
Debbie EOD

ReFashionista said...

I would like to see this on yoooou! I have a hard time telling what something will look like on a person just by looking at the dress form. :)It looks really cool though!

BopBop said...

This came out adorable! GReat job! Off to see more at your blog!