Thursday, May 05, 2011

Introduction: Two-into-One

Hello everyone at Refashion Co-op,
My name is Grace and I am very pleased to be part of this refashioning community. I have been following this blog for a few months and have been really inspired by all the refashions I've seen. This has motivated me to document my own sewing experiences on my new blog Gather It Up.

As there was a dress challenge underway I thought it would be great to start with a refashion I had been considering for awhile. Both the top and skirt had been sitting in my wardrobe for too long without being worn. I have a lot of black skirts, many of which I have found in thrift shops. I very rarely wear dresses, so I thought why not make a start with this simple refashion; two-into-one.

Nice details

I ran a gather stitch around the bottom edge of the top. Then I matched the side seams, centre fronts and centre backs. Then I stitched top to bottom.

Yet another black skirt

This is the end result. I'm sure I will wear this dress far more than I would have worn the separates.



Refashion said...

welcome Grace! And thanks for sharing your refashion. Will we see a picture of you wearing it?

Editor on duty

Grace said...

Hi Erica
I've been using 2 different cameras and both don't seem up to the job. Maybe I need to invest in a new one. Also, I'm a bit camera shy!!

jessica said...

Oooh! Lovely! I do hope you wear this often as it is a great outfit.