Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The emergency refashion

It's been a while since I've posted here, simply because it's been a while since I did any refashions. I've been very preoccupied with end-of-school year activities for my children and also with Me-Made-June, which I'm trying to use to help me overcome my fear of using patterns! And also to help me thin out my closet, keeping only what I really like and wear.

But anyway, back to refashioning... today I did an emergency refashion that turned out wonderfully well. I had a pair of quite old and baggy beige linen trousers from H&M that I wore often, most recently to go camping with my daughter's Scout troop this past weekend.

Here I am wearing them and building our campfire!
Back in civilisation this week, I popped them on this morning to run around with the kids. We got rained out of going to the park, so ducked into a cafĂ© for hot chocolate. And my damp trousers got caught on the chair and a small hole was torn on the, well, butt area. Eeek! It wasn't a very big hole and I got busy with other things during the day. I didn't realise until about 45 minutes before friends were due to arrive for a playdate that the hole had spread!

So I cut the legs off, right below the butt/crotch area. I then carefully cut them open up the inner leg seam. I kept the side seams intact. I then joined up the two legs. The bottom of the trouser legs had had a generous hem, which made a perfect casing. So I used that end of the skirt as the waist, sliding an elastic through the casing. I then found the perfect bias tape in my stash and used it to hem the skirt. The whole process only took 20 minutes. And I love, love, love my new skirt!

Isn't the bias tape great? I bought it awhile ago, just because I loved the pattern.

1 comment:

Refashion said...

Nice re-purposing of old clothing, your new skirt is great! Bias tape is brilliant :)

Erica, Editor on Duty