Friday, June 10, 2011

Patriotic PJs

This PJ top I thrifted years ago. It has been with me through 2 moves and has sat patiently all this time until I figured what to do with it. When I saw it I went nuts over the Art Deco style print and still love it today. I had always intended on making myself something with it perhaps a skirt or a halter top. I would take it out time and again thinking I would finally do someting to it but I just couldn't make up my mind. Fast forward to a few days ago when I realized that Nicky was growing out of her PJs and needed more. I'd finally found a purpose for it. Although I wish I could have kept it myself, I think it finally found it's true destiny.

Before: thrifted PJ top with covered buttons (which I will be using at some point)

After: cute "patriotic" PJs for my Nic

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