Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Girlhood Dress Revisited

Finished Red & Black T-Shirt Dress
This dress is bit derivative, but only in the best possible way. I thought that I got the idea from here, but when I showed my mother, she said, “I made dresses like that for you all the time when you were little.” So maybe Lex's dress touched a long-forgotten chord within me. Or maybe it was just so freaking cute that I couldn't resist making one of my own.
Supplies for Red & Black T-Shirt Dress
Ugly Red & Black T-Shirt Dress
I began with a t-shirt that was far too short. I don't particularly like it when the bottom of my shirt and the top of my jeans just brush each other, and there was a missing two inches between the bottom of this one and my waistband. Plus I have this amazing slightly metallic red fabric that, let's face it, I'm never going to make into a dress on it's own. It's been sitting on my shelf for at least 4 years. I don't think I even have the pattern that I was going to make with it anymore. It was perfect for a nostalgic dress that reminded me of jungle gyms and eating way too much candy and playing on the swingsets and not even caring if anyone saw my underwear.
Finished Red & Black T-Shirt Dress
I did change it up a little bit to make it more adult, though. The gathered skirt sewn directly onto the shirt looked terrible, bunchy, and messy, so I ripped out my stitches reverse sewed it, and turned it into a paper-bag waist. Add a black velvet belt, a removable fabric flower, and I looked like an adult but felt like a kid again.

Want to see more of my projects? I blog at iMade.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very pretty dress - funny how it was like the ones your mother made for you.