Monday, July 11, 2011

Mens button down to womens button up blouse

I started out with a mens button down shirt, XL, in a cornflower blue that was too beautiful to Linkpass up.

Added in vintage lace sent to me by a bloggy friend.

And combined with a blouse sloper pattern that I wanted to experiment on with cheap-ish fabric.

And this is what i got! A bit blousier than I usually wear, but I like it for work. As my friend says, it combines menswear with vintage, feminine bits. I was too lazy to make closures for it so I flipped the shirt around so that it buttons up the back, ala the 1940s styles. (More photos)

Couple extra details: I pleated out the sleeve cap ease with a little inverted pleat, and handstitched on the two rows of lace. All in all, I'm loving this one!


Victoria said...

So cute! That lace is great around the neckline.

Refashion said...

I love this top Jessica. Looks very pretty on you.
