Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Work in progress

Some of you who have been around since the beginning of this blog may remember that several months ago, I posted a picture of some thrifted shoes I'd gotten for a costume party and asked for suggestions on what to do with them. I was going to wait until they were complete to show what I've been doing with them, but this is turning out to be such a time-consuming process that it just might take me the rest of the summer to refashion these! (Especially since I've got a pretty involved from-scratch project going on at the same time...crazy me, trying to copy Anthropologie pants!)

I've spent several hours on these so far, and this is as far as I've gotten. I think they're looking pretty promising, though. The fabric is a thin denim that's leftover scraps from a laptop bag that I recently sewed up out of some fabric that had been languishing in my stash for years. And I've still got quite a bit of work left to do--about a third of the first shoe left to cover, and then the entire second shoe other than the sole, and then I have to cover up all of those edges! (The twisty nature of the straps makes it far more complicated.)

So anyway, that's what's been happening with me and refashioning. Maybe I can finish these off by Labor Day...

1 comment:

La La Lauren!!! said...

Wow! I remember these from the early beginning of our blog! Very impressive, you probably let me know that I should try and avoid shoe refashions! Great job though! Look forward to seeing the the finished product.

Editor on Duty