Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bite me, winter.

One of these days, I will do some complicated, amazing refashion that will make all of you wonder how on earth I came up with the idea of turning that into this. But today, it's once again all about the simple fix. Besides, I needed a quick project that I could just knock out to give me a mental break from a rather complicated from-scratch project. So here we go!

I found this lovely piece while thrifting with my friends on Saturday. It was pretty good as is, though a bit big just under the arms. But I wasn't really a fan of those shoulder ruffles.With the embroidery and the asymmetric hemline, it was just too much.

So I took them away, and took in the top about 4", and I think the cleaner look suits it much better. Now I just need it to get warm so I can actually wear it!

There's a little more detail here, if you're interested.


Michelle said...

very pretty. I agree about the before, it was just too busy. Great work!

Anonymous said...

I smiled at the title of your post. I am feeling somewhat similar towards the winter.
The big transformations always have that 'wow' factor, but I think the little changes we make to our clothing are just as important. Great job!

La La Lauren!!! said...

i love what you did with this shirt. it looks great!

LaLaLauren Editor on Duty

The Renegade Seamstress said...

I'm always amazed at how sometimes the simple fix is so dramatic. I really like what you did with this!