Friday, January 20, 2012

Frankly, my dear(s)

I was beginning to despair over what to do with those Next curtains I bought at a Goodge Street charity shop last year when I was really REALLY trying to thrift. The less said on that the better. Some are lucky in love, some in thrifting. I’d be among the former. I’ve been fussing with bodice and dress mocks before I cut into my sentimental journey fabric for what I’m calling (with a heavy dose of equal parts sarcasm and irony) the Turning Left Collection.

The curtains (linings removed, washed a number of times hot/hot to whiten, brighten and soften) were in the C-list pile of fabrics chosen for that very pursuit. The pattern (bought on sale, natch) is Butterick 5362: 2 lengths of a tunic/dress and a simple vest/waistcoat. Even with the alterations needed -- heavy fabric doesn’t work too good with this pattern -- it was an hour and a half to get it to the washing machine for the dye job.

Hoping this dries a WEE bit less bright. For all the gory details pop over to A Life Without Clothes.

Oh -- also made one of my go-to bags from an old tartan scarf and parts of a black linen dress I often wore to work during my Liberty days. I’m pretty sure the button is from a box of buttons one of my Dad’s employees found in an old barn. I can remember where every scrap of my fabric is from but the buttons -- not so much.

Oh II: finally took a picture of my finished fabric hair curlers , four of which were made from Himself’s old Liberty ties so do fall under RFC guidelines. You don’t wear them for LONG but wear them you do. For the original inspiration check here.


Shey said...

that's one cute bag!

The Renegade Seamstress said...

Oh I LOVE the bag!!!!!!!!