Wednesday, April 25, 2012

First Birthday Dress for Aaliyah

This is my beautiful little niece, Aaliyah, She recently turned the bug NUMBER ONE and we (my hubby and me) wanted to give her something that was extra special!  All of this dress was made from upcycled and vintage materials, so it is 100% recycled! Read more about it at my new blog!

Please forgive my horrible lace of blogging ability..Let's just say that I'm learning as I go!


Unknown said...

What a little cutie! We love to see work in progress , or the 'before' pics on Refashion Co-op - please do share on your blog posts if you can!

Erica, EOD

shellyrhds said...

Thanks for the input! I know, I forgot to take pics of before or during the process, but I promise to do that in the future for sure!

homecoming dresses said...

In some cultures, once a young lady turns sixteen or eighteen, she will be given a grand party. She can wear her best dress or gown. She can have the best time of her life. What more if a toddler or a school age kid turns a year older? For sure, her parents will give her the best children's party as well. Kids by nature, get really excited when their birthdays are just around the corner. They get thrilled by the sight of presents, children's games and party loops and balloons.
homecoming dresses