Saturday, April 21, 2012

"Rustle Up A Ruffle Bustle" Cardigan

From this

And this

To this.....

This has been my most ambitious re-fashion yet.  Thanks must go to Beth Huntington of Chic Envelopements who is the absolute queen of the ruffle and also to Andrea of for being the inspiration behind this refashion.


LOSTRETROMELBOURNE said... mean is this repin.
I see what a previous blogger meant by refashion coop is a positive supportive community. I welcome constructive feedback but that is not constructive feedback. I think eclectic would have been kinder. Oh well just got to laugh and keep on creating my OMG No Fashion Disasters.

Refashion said...

I love the concept at play here. And I'm so glad that the co-op is able to offer a more supportive arena for the refashion community. :) -Seeks, EOD


Thanks EOD. I appreciate your support and tact. This refashion was meant to be dramatic, over the top, colourful and a bit theatrical.It is never my desire or intention to do a mainstream refashion.
I love quirky...I am quirky...and I especially like this community as it embraces people's differences.

Andrea said...

!!!!! what is up with people???? Mezzy, you do an amazing job with each of your refashions. As long as they work for you, that is all that matters. Of course, nobody is ever going to love everything you or I or others do, but seriously? why the need to be so negative and mean? I'm sorry this happened to you, and agree that you just need to laugh it off and let it be. Thank you for mentioning me in your post, and btw you're ruffle bustle is so much better than mine!!! Great job on this refashion and keep up the good work :)



Thanks Andrea. Your ruffle treatment was amazing and I knew instantly that I would need to create
a bling, out there version of it. I had never seen anything like your ruffle bustle before and I thought that it was individual and unique.Thanks for sharing it in the first place.