Thursday, May 10, 2012

Go thunder-cats go

So, my husband got this t-shirt from good will just a little back, and I have successfully stoles it.... with his permission :P I had seen Corrine's summer tutorial on a crop t-shirt she had done and wanted to try it. So turned this
and this head bands metal... I forget the name...
into this

     I pretty well hand sewed everything, when I went to use the sewing machine on the material i was working with things got ugly real quick lol. happy with the results, though I plan to go back and sew the little straps on as well to reinforce it. went to the store and started falling apart lol. well ttyl- QueenOfNothing.


Bat Ma'am said...

The little metal doodads are called 'pyramids' or 'pyramid studs' :)

Bat Ma'am said...

Also, do you have your own blog?? I don't see a link to it. I'd love to see what else you're up to :)

Unknown said...

Yey! Love Thundercats!!

Erica, EOD

Charity Sims-Jenkins said...

I love this idea! I'll be keeping my eye out in op shops for black t-shirts that will suit this :)

QueenOf Nothing said...

ah yes theres the name, don't you hate it when a words on the edge of your tongue and you can't figure it out. Just started a blog actually but....not sure what to put on it lol. kinda boring right now.

American Nanny said...

I love a good t-shirt refashion :)

If you don't have a biker bracelet laying around I was thinking that you could use buttons instead. No need for button holes just sew them on in place of the studs.