Monday, May 28, 2012

Lace Covered Sunglasses

I have a really fun and silly project for everyone today!  Behold the before picture!

I bought these sunglasses at the dollar store for one whole dollar.  I glued a piece of lace to the lens.

I trimmed the lace around the lens as closely to the frame as I could.  I then used my thumbnail to tuck the lace into the crease between the lens and the frame.  Do the same with the other lens and you have some nifty sunglasses!

You can see out of these but I do not recommend participating in any sort of activity while wearing them! 

Visit my blog for more details and pictures!


Refashion said...

You made me laugh with these! I wonder if it could catch on?
Thanks for sharing,


Bat Ma'am said...

Emme that's a need idea!! Lady Gaga style, I LOVE it!