Monday, May 28, 2012

A poppy to remember.

Hi everyone. This is my first post on here but I have been refashioning for a few years and I especially love re purposing other vintage items into clothing. This is something I made a little while ago as part of a 365 day creativity challenge I am documenting on my blog

It was a boring old long sleeved Tshirt with a high neck I purchased from a thrift store for $2. I made this on ANZAC day which is a day for Australian's and New Zealander's to commemorate the soldiers who fought many years ago. There are more photos and a description on day37 of my blog.


Refashion said...

Such a cute poppy top now - I love the red binding - thank you for sharing,



Great to see you here. Your top is very cute. Well done, great top.

Bat Ma'am said...

CUTE! I love poppies :) welcome !!!

Unknown said...

Sharon! Hi great to see you here, what a great surprise!

Erica (tap)

Ernie's Mum said...

Thanks everyone. Happy to be here. Erica, hope you are still tapping, it's probably the thing I miss most about Melbourne.