Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Scarf refashion - sort of

I was given a pile of square scarfs a while ago. This week I tried to make them into a dress for my daughter.

I rushed and the resulting item needs considerable work to make it really wearable.

Here's a couple of pics so far.

You can see what else I've been up to over on my blog :


Jenni said...

Your daughter looks like she is enjoying the dress "wearable" or not!

Jenni EOD

Bri said...

Oh my goodness she looks magnificent! I totally want this dress in my size! It reminds me that I have scarves for this book my friend gave me on 100 different things to do with scarves...

Kay said...

HI this is amazing im gunner try and make a adult one have you got any instructions or advice?
