Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Girl's dress from a man's t-shirt

I wanted to make my daughter a dress out of a big men’s t-shirt, and we finally found the perfect shirt. I have been teaching her money management recently by shopping at garage sales, and my Angry Birds fan spotted this XXL number for 50 cents. Note her “Can Mom really make something out of THIS?!” expression.

I wanted to try out so many cool ideas on this dress (Make it a halter! Sew it like a baseball jersey! Add a ruffled hem!) My little fashionista, however, wanted it very simple. She is six and has some strong opinions.  So I took a dress of hers that fit well and laid it on top to get an idea of where to put the side seams.

I stitched along the pin lines and cut off the excess. When I was finished, the dress looked like this.

I thought about doing something fancier with the sleeves, but we decided they looked good at three-quarter length. She was really excited about her new dress, and I can’t wait to try a different style next time. Hopefully, she will give me more creative license then!


Rachel said...

The photos are priceless!! Love the dress too.

Unknown said...

Love it! Great idea for some of those old t-shirts of mine and my husbands.