Saturday, July 28, 2012

Refashion Month: 3rd week

For the third week of my self challenge of making at least one refashion  month, I kept it very simple.
Don't know if you have seen it, but I've been making some sort of walking around the house/pajama pants for my little girl out of her daddy's shirts. So, I made one out of my own too, and had started another one, I just cut it and then left it around the pile of thing to sort out.
Since I didn't really make anything gorgeous, I thought at least I would make it to the 3rd week with a little thing, and it was the pants.
Here they are:

Click HERE to go to my page and read more.

1 comment:

Refashion said...

Cutest little baby wardrobe, though, even if you feel it's super simple. Thanks!-Seeks, EOD