Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sequin Butterfly Goodness...

Greetings everyone! I have today 2 projects that stemmed out of one ugly fancy top. I got this top for $0.99 one day and I thought I could turn it into something wearable. I could not long story short.

I decided to use the butterflies to adorn sequin shoulders of a regular top. Those things made a mess! A mess I tell you! I had sequins everywhere (and still find them in my house!). My boyfriend calls them ants now. ;( For more info on this project see here.

For the remainder of the butterflies, I decided to use them for a good cause. The Holocaust Museum in Houston, Texas is have a drive to collect 1.5 million butterflies to represent the 1.5 million children who died in the Holocaust. I could only save 4 more of them. So I backed them and turned them into ornaments to hang in the museum.

For more information on this project see here. I am still moving along on my 60 days of torture blogging project, which is here.

Have a great day!



Unknown said...

What a great project Lauren

Heidi said...

I tried to click "cool" in the reactions, but it wouldn't let me. I really like the ornaments. I think butterflies on clothes can be tricky and you are giving these a very good purpose.