Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How many things can you create from a sweater.
Here's a few ideas.

The first creation started a warm textered cardigan.
I simply added vintage lace peices.

The second one is a sweater I cut off short so I could use the bottom part for something.
The part I was using had some big ugly stains on it, which I covered with lace.
I added a bunch of tatters.

The third item is a caplet made from the top part of a sweater.
Again I have added vintage laces.

Lastly we have a scarf made from the sweater scraps of other projects.
I added tatters to both ends.


Anonymous said...

Ehm... mi piace solo il primo, penso che potrei pensare di indossarlo, ma gli altri capi che hai confezionato non sono adatti a me..
La creatività è sempre lodevole, perciò brava! Al di là dei miei gusti personali :)
Baci e abbracci :)

two birds said...

wow, what creativity! i am impressed!

Unknown said...

Such a good idea to cover up stains with lace and doilies. These are great.

Erica, EOD

Hailey Aryn said...

I just love anything with doilies! Great Job!