Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tie Bleach Jeans

Like Andrea I'm a fan of Charity Shop Chic. I was inspired to try tie-bleaching a pair of jeans. These jeans were on the $2 rack at my local Salvos so I knew I wouldn't be too worried if they didn't turn out!

I did a bit of 'research' (ie. bloghopping, heh heh) to find out more about using bleach, but in the end I scrunched up the jeans with some rubber bands, and chucked them in a big bucket of water with about 2 cups of laundry bleach. I turned them over a couple times during the 4-5 hours I left them in there.
Then very carefully using my rubber gloves I tipped them into the sink and rinsed them a million times. I think they rock!

Although if anyone has any tips for getting the bleach smell out of clothes it would be much appreciated :-)


Little Blue Mouse said...

I bleached some jeans recently and I washed them straight away and they don't smell at all.
I did the same kind of 'research' as you and some people had recommended soaking in a vinegar solution after bleaching but I think that was more to stop the bleaching than the smell, and I can't remember if I did that or not.

DressUpNotDown said...

Hang in the sun to get out the bleach might take a couple days if they're really bleachy!

To Catch A Thrift said...

Love how these turned out! They look so cool! Kudos :)

Unknown said...

I've always fancied trying this too, but bleach puts me off. They look so good though!

Erica, EOD