Monday, January 21, 2013

Valentine's Day Sweater Refashion

Thrift store clothes amaze me.
Even after all these years of shopping second hand, I'm still thrilled when I find quality clothing for very little moolah. And even better, they don't even have to fit when you know how to alter and refashion.
All it takes is an eye for possibilities.

 Take this thrift store sweater and shirt for example:
The shirt was stained and the sweater was too big. Each cost fifty cents on half price day at my local thrift store. YAY!

The sweater was a quality brand and I loved the colors together. Perfect for a cardigan with plaid elbow patches. Valentine's Day is coming soon, you know...
I wanted to keep the existing raglan sleeves so I took it in using the existing seams. Just pin, sew and trim to fit. I also took in the side seams the same way.


Anonymous said...

I love this!!! Going to try one myself.

Adele said...

Very nice refashion. I love patches, they make everything cuter!

Adele - EOD

Unknown said...

I have to try this too - I am way better with cardigans than sweaters anyway.