Saturday, April 06, 2013

One or two?

For pity’s sake, it’s April! Why is it still so cold?!? Granted, I saw weeds growing in some of the raised vegetable beds so that means (according to my grampa) you can start seeds outside now but I’m not going to do that without some protection.

I rather like my test pair of fingerless gloves. Might not want to get them all mucked up!

Details over on A Life Without Clothes but it is rather straightforward so I'm sure you can go just on this picture:

I'd say the rule of thumb (sorry) is to make your V shapes as long as you need -- one knuckle or two!


Sandy said...

This is very cool. I am still trying to get my hands recovered from tying balloons in the cold on the Easter Saturday.
The skin is all rough and cracking. I had my thick gloves, but couldn't tie the ribbon with those on.
I think I will try this!
Sandy in the UK

Refashion said...

I would so botch this refashion. I'm too clumsy with my stitches. But I love the transformation. Thanks for the share! -Seeks, EOD