Saturday, April 27, 2013

Technicolor Tunic

Today's project has been in my possession all of  twelve hours. I found it today at my favorite local thrift store, where you can fill a paper bag with clothes for $10. This particular store is not a good place for brand name or vintage finds, but if you're looking for ugly clothes to refashion it's the place to be. I was able to score 17 items on today's trip, including this bright, colorful top.

Don't I look impressed?

The colors and print reminded me of a Chagall painting, so I had to get it. After running it through the washer and dryer, I got to work. First I removed the sleeves and set them aside to use later. Then I put the shirt on my dress form and pinned under the arms to fit. I wanted to keep the flowiness of the original top, so I only sewed about 3 1/2 inches down from the armpit, and then cut away part of the excess fabric.

Taking in the top.

I folded the remaining excess onto itself, and sewed it down. (This created what looks like an inverted box pleat under each arm hole.) Next I sewed bias tape to the outside of the arm hole, trimmed around the hole, folded the bias tape in, and sewed it to the inside of the arm hole by hand. I also sewed the edge of the cap sleeve by hand.

Finishing the arms.

I was done with the shirt, but I wasn't quite done with the project. (I'll do anything to avoid washing the dishes.) I'd seen another blogger make a bolero out of leftover sleeves, and I wanted to give it a shot. I pinned the tops of the sleeves together (lucky for me, they were already cut straight) and sewed a straight seam. The edges of the sleeves were starting to come undone where they had once joined the armpit of the original shirt, so I sewed a few stitches across each seam to prevent them from coming undone. I thought about finishing the entire edge, but decided against it. (I'm so lazy sometimes.)


I was finally done! After a few hours, I'd created a bright, flowy tunic and matching bolero from one top. Not a bad deal for $0.64.

$0.32 each!

I'm really happy with my new top(s), and I can't wait to wear them tomorrow. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

 - Elizabeth
   aka The Hungry Octopus


La La Lauren!!! said...

This top is fabulous! OMG. nice job!


Unknown said...

Definitely inspired - very groovy!! Great job!

BubblesRides said...

Excellent!!! I love it!

Katie said...

I can't even imagine being as talented as you. You are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love this! Especially love the print and colors of the fabric! Super groovy refashion! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone! You're all so wonderfully encouraging!

- Elizabeth
aka TheHungryOctopus