Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Simple Solutions

Weight loss is great, except that it leaves you with far too many clothes that don't fit and far too few that do. I spent a recent Saturday rectifying that by taking in a bunch of my tees for summer, among them these two.

An orange tank I'd loved for years...

Orange Tank Top - Before

Orange Tank Top - After

And a purple tee that was super comfy...

Purple Tee - Before

Purple Tee - After

I did this to several more tees on that therapeutic Saturday, but seeing as how all the before and afters would be essentially the same, I won't bore you. Suffice to say, I regained a good chunk of last summer's wardrobe in the span of a few hours.

More details and photos can be found at CarissaKnits.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on refashioning your old clothes into a new summer wardrobe that fits, and so fast. <3

xx Eddie, EOD