Friday, November 08, 2013

How To: Lengthen an Elastic Belt (no. 02)

This summer I posted a tutorial about lengthening a too-snug belt that I purchased thinking someday it would fit. Today's post is about a too-snug belt I purchased with the intention of making it fit. (Because making clothes fit your body requires a lot less self-loathing than making your body fit the clothes.)
This belt almost fit, but even at its longest it was stretched a little too thin. Still, at $2 it was going to come home with me. I'd simply have to add a new hole or two to ease the elastic's load.

beforeBreathing is optional, right?

Like my previous belt alteration, this project is very easy. In fact, I think this one took less than five minutes from start to finish. And you don't even need to know how to sew!

What You'll Need:

elastic belt
hammer (or something you can use like a hammer)
nail (a thumb tack or sturdy sewing needle may work too)
ruler (or you can guess)
hard surface (preferably wood)

How To:

1) Gather your supplies.

step 1Tools of the trade.

2) Measure space between the holes in the belt.

3) Mark where your new hole will go.

step 2 3You're halfway there!

4) Place your nail where your new hole will be and gently tap the nail with the hammer until the  tip of the nail breaks through the back of the belt. Push the nail most of the way through the belt so that the hole is big enough to use.

Step 4Almost done!

5) Repeat steps 2-4 as needed.

b and aBefore and after.

6) Pat yourself on the back for a job well done and wear your belt.

afterI can breathe!

Note: If adding a new hole or two to your belt still doesn't do the trick, try lengthening it by adding more elastic. Find out how here.

- Elizabeth
aka The Hungry Octopus
Now blogging at!

1 comment:

Refashion said...

Thank you for sharing - it is always good to have such useful tutorials :)

Debbie EOD